International Young Women's Composition Competition 2025
We are currently accepting submissions for IYWCC 2025. Open to young women ages 12-18 (as of January 1, 2025) regardless of country. Students of color are especially encouraged to apply. This call is open to all female-identified and non-binary students. We look forward to reviewing your submission!
A note from Artistic Director, Rick Ferguson:
"The Musical Offering's mission supports young musicians as they discover and develop their individual voices. Mentorship and support are available to all interested students from initial concept to finished work."
Who we are:
Founded in 2000, The Musical Offering is a musical home for beginners to bloom and for more experienced musicians to explore their craft. We are proud of our process-oriented teaching philosophy and friendly faculty, investments in local schools, and partnerships with arts organizations equally committed to making music more accessible for all.
2025 Composition Category: Violin, Cello, and Piano Trio
Submission Instructions
Submissions should be in pdf format with attached sound file or link (streaming sites such as Soundcloud or YouTube are also acceptable) and should be emailed to Rick Ferguson at rickfergusonmo@gmail.com by the due date. Midi files are also acceptable. No handwritten or mailed copies will be accepted. Winning submissions will be selected in late October 2025 and performed in concert as part of The Musical Offering's Women's Composers Series in November 2025. Winners will receive video recordings of their music.
Additional Instrumentation: Electronic sounds (computer generated or synthesized) and/or fixed media (pre-recorded sounds or tape, no video) are allowed.
Please reach out to Rick Ferguson at rickfergusonmo@gmail.com with any questions about the competition or submission requirements.
Submissions are due by 11:59pm CDT on Monday, October 13, 2025