Ryan Senger - Piano, Composition
Ryan Senger is a Chicago-based American classical pianist who specializes in bringing deserving, yet under-performed masterworks to public appreciation. He has appeared publicly throughout the midwest numerous times as soloist and collaborator. In October 2015, he gave the performance of Bach’s relatively unknown Suite in G minor, BVW 822, in Chicago radio station WFMT’s Bach Keyboard Festival. He also had the honor of performing Prokofiev’s 5th Piano Sonata in the Prokofiev 125 sonata marathon. A dedicated teacher, Senger is proud of his studio, which contains students from ages 5 to 90 years old. Senger holds a Bachelor’s and Master's Degree in Piano Performance from DePaul University, where he studied under George Vatchnadze. His past teachers include Dr. Daniel Lyons, and Jeanne Plotts.